Carta Galbaria: The Divinus III Wiki

Galbarian tea was created by Shengshi and Xiaoli. While the different plant species used to make tea all have different flavours, a uniting factor is that tea provides a soothing feeling to soul and body. It was prepared first by Xiaoli by using leaves from the area around her home river in an effort to produce a drink that could calm Shengshi's nerves, and proved to impress the river lord immensely by providing a soothing drink with astounding flavours and textures.

Types of Tea[]

There are currently a few different species of tea on Galbar. These are:

  • Kang Green Tea: After creating Xiaoli, the avatar revealed to Shengshi the bounty of the forest by offering him the world's first cup of green tea. The plant was promptly sanctioned by Shengshi as a part of his realm. The tea leaves have a slightly bitter taste when consumed, and the tea is usually prepared by grinding the leaves in a mortar and mixing the mash into hot water. The plant has a soothing effect on the spirit of its consumer, and with the god's blessing, it also purged the consumer's body of any undesirable impurities. Its creation characters are 康绿茶, meaning "healthy green tea".
  • Yong'ai Flower Tea: This tea plant was actually created by Xiaoli under Shengshi's supervision. As opposed to Kang green tea, Yong'ai flower tea is not ground up before it is added to the hot water. Instead, entire flower buds are put into the water and infuse it with their flavour and scent, making this tea sort considerably lighter and sweeter than its green counterpart. Furthermore, the tea was given a blessing: The ability to strengthen interpersonal relationships, especially those between creatures who feel a connection of love for one another. In theory, this can be exploited to produce a love potion, but to reach such potency, the flavour of the tea would be nauseating, causing anyone not willingly drinking it for its love potion effect to vomit. The tea's creation characters are 永爱, meaning "eternal love".

Role of Tea in Ceremonies[]
